Monday, 5 November 2018

going solo: should i solo travel? || pt. i

for years and years, i've toyed with the idea of going away, far away. alone. that would be the dream: living with myself, not having to care about anything or anyone else. but, years later, this dream is still a dream...

i've never traveled alone before, except for that one time i spent a couple months in australia for an exchange trip, and oh my word, those few months were the best months of my life. i was almost shocked by the amount freedom and control i had over every little decision. i was my problem and i was my solution. i made the rules and i broke the rules. i decided what to eat, when i went out, who i spoke to, and how i wanted to spend my time. i was, for the first time, living independently and i loved it

now, a year later, i am craving that freedom once more. and this time, i want to be completely and utterly independent (i.e. to be financially self-sufficient). to some people, this might be a very common thing: to strike out on your own upon entering university or right after completing tertiary education. but where i live, things are pretty different and that's not the norm. the idea of leaving everything familiar behind is terrifying, but at the same time, it's so enticingly exhilarating and i find myself thinking

if not now, then when?

but before i can take off, i needed to do some serious thinking... not researching, more like soul-searching. these are just a few things i thought i needed to completely understand before i can even start planning anything:

number 1. what's the point?

i need to have a clear motive for this trip: something i want to learn or a list of specific experiences to tick off my bucket list. am i trying to make a statement? am i going to clear my mind or is this a pursuit of creativity? i need a goal, something to keep me focused, motivated, and grounded. this isn't a holiday or a business trip; it's going to be my lifestyle for as long as i'm away

number 2. my desired experience

of course, i have an ideal experience in my head. now, time to translate it on paper by creating a list of key characteristics my ideal experience/destination should have:

how different do i want this experience to be from my life right now? am i looking for an urban or a suburban experience? what kind of jobs do i plan on working while i am there? how do i plan on getting around the area? when am i going? for how long? how far away do i want to be from home? how much am i willing to budget for this?

during this time, watching travel vlogs is very helpful. they gave me a rough idea of the different experiences i can have as well as a sampling of some possible destinations. krist yu is one of my favourite youtubers and her travel videos are super interesting and informative (not to mention v. aesthetic too)

number 3. it's okay to mess up

if you ask me, this is the whole point of this experience. i can make a wrong decision and no one else has to suffer from my mistake. most importantly, it's okay to call this off and come home. after all, i've given it my best shot and if it isn't right for me, it isn't. at least i tried!

so, should i solo travel...? my answer is yes


  1. I have to say I relate to your yearning. I have wanted to travel for so long, but have always let school or fear of what my family would think stop me. Funds is another issue too, yet I think all of these can be solved through my own brain power. And like you said, there's always that option to come home...

    ALSO, I love Krist too!! I discovered her last year -- or maybe 2 years ago -- and I *still* love her videos, which is saying something. XD Her Denmark and Japan travel vlogs were amazing, hence why those two places are on my list of travel destinations!

    Good luck with the solo traveling. I can't wait to hear more about this :)

    1. yeah, life is so busy and distracting it gets in the way of itself sometimes...

      i discovered krist a couple years back too and i love watching her video! she's one of the only youtubers that i'm still following after years and years :P

      thanks for reading and commenting <3



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